Call for Papers

Michael Oakeshott in a Time of Cultural Transformation

The biennial conference of the Michael Oakeshott Association

Colorado College
Colorado Spring, Colorado
March 27-30, 2025

The Michael Oakeshott Association is pleased to announce a call for papers for the biennial conference to be hosted by Timothy Fuller at The Colorado College, Colorado Springs, Colorado. The focus of the conference will be on Oakeshott’s thought in a time of cultural transformation. The Association invites submissions for paper proposals on a broad set of topics related to this theme, noting also the anniversary of the publication of On Human Conduct (papers taking up related themes in this work are encouraged).

Please submit abstracts of no more than 500 words by September 1, 2024 to Eric Kos (Secretary). Abstracts should include the following: the title of the paper, full name(s) of the authors, affiliation, current position, and an email address. Paper presenters will be provided room and some meals. Grants for young scholars are available on a limited basis—please inquire.